How to cancel air france flight ticket

 Have you booked reservations with Air France, and due to some unavoidable reasons you need to cancel your bookings with the airline? Well, then you don’t need to worry as the airline offers its passengers with an option to cancel their booking and claim a refund for the same. So, to help one learn more about the cancellation policy and procedure, they can check out the information provided in this article.

Key conditions of cancellation policy of Air France

For the passengers who are not aware of the Air France cancellation policy, here are some of the key conditions of the policy that one requires to know before claiming a refund.

This policy applies to the reservations that are booked online or via the reservation department of the airline.
Further, the passengers are offered with an option to cancel their booking within 24 hours of the booking without any cancellation fee.
In the above conditions, the passenger is even offered a full refund against their cancelled booking.

Cancellation conditions for flights booked between 3rd March and 31st August 2020:

The refundable reservations that are cancelled before 15th May 2020 are offered to claim for a refund or voucher as per their preference.
Further, for the non-refundable reservations cancelled before 15th May 2020 can claim only for travel vouchers.

Procedure to cancel bookings with Air France

Further, for the passengers who are looking for the information on how to cancel Air France flight ticket, they are required to follow the provided instructions to claim a quick refund.

Begin the process, the passenger needs to click on My Trips option on the homepage.
Find the booking by using the last name and ticket confirmation number.
After that, the passenger can opt for the ticket cancellation option.
Further, the passenger can confirm the cancellation and claim a refund the same.

Contacting Air France for help

For the passengers who have queries regarding the Air France cancellation policy or procedure, they can seek help from the customer support of the airline and manage their bookings accordingly and claim a quick refund.

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